File size | 126547 |
Original date | $originalDate |
Resolution | $resolution |
Flash | $flash |
Focal length | $focalLength |
Exposure time | $exposureTime |
Aperture | $aperture |
Focus Distance | $focusDistance |
Metering Mode | $meteringMode |
Camera make | $cameraMake |
Camera model | $cameraModel |
Sensor type | $sensorType |
7/29/01 3:08 PM
These are the pictures from the trip to Boston that the Halarnkar family took in July 2001. We went, we saw, we photographed and now you see the results. This was a weekend trip. We left Friday afternoon and returned home on Sunday around midnight. The photographs were taken using a digital camera. The camera is still new to us. That is why some of the photographs are not as good as they should be. This is the Dinning room for our Hotel Le Meridien. |